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stricter for non-citizens like Turks. Greece would reject all EU entry bids in case Turkey executes its EU-stopping measures. Germany is the most uncompromising: Active "no" votes against Turkey's entry to the EU. Euroscepticism Turkey (President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his AKP party) is fighting against the EU for its bid to join the Union and they refuse to allow their borders to be increased to EU Size. Turkey's bureaucracy has been impeding bids to increase free movement, visa free travel, asylum requests and migrants accessing Turkish territory. Many politicians see Turkey's accession bid as a security threat. In 2010 the European commission halted Turkey's EU talks after a crackdown on civil society in the country. Following the attempted military coup in 2016, Turkey derogated the EU – including the suspension of important parts of the agreement on free movement of persons (Turkey needs visa free travel to the EU and visa expires and the Turkish Law, valid since July 2016. Article 35 of the "law" Provisions Regarding the Prohibition of Entry to Turkish National Passports and IDs in the Name of "Letter and Notice" shows the invalidity as lawful persons intending to enter or exiting Turkey must now apply for a nationally valid visa. A breach of the obligations in article 35 is punishable according to the law due to the same article to 3.000 euros and three years imprisonment.). Turkey released 75 journalists in late September 2018 after Brussels threatened to cut Ankara’s pre-accession aid amid a wide-ranging crackdown in the wake of last year's failed coup attempt. The arrests sent shock waves through the secular Turkish press, further undermining the country's strained relations with the Europe. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu denied the releases, which also included four foreign journalists, were part of "pressure" on Ankara at a time when Turkey-EU ties are deeply strained. ("istanbul.com.tr - September 27, 2018" )]
A poll by the respected German Bertelsmann Foundation think-tank earlier this month found as many as 71 percent of Germans believe Turkish EU membership is "increasingly improbable."
German Chancellor Angela Merkel - in power since 2005 - could see her chancellorship term prolonged beyond the next major election in 2021 and her conservative camp may win more seats in parliament as a result of a blowback against her rival party in September's tense elections. In May, EU President Donald Tusk ahead of an EU-Turkey summit in Varna, Bulgaria, said a reduction to three years of the time Turks can stay in the European Union, remains an option under consideration.
U.S President Bush and his ongoing rhetoric against liberal European philosophies, will only strengthen the callous divide in this delicate Europhile dilemma. Europe has to find an innovative way between economic alliances and political philosophies to find the best solution for their own populations, growth, cohesion and cultural flow. Achieving this important watershed for the EU will sign the first end of many transitional phases to right the ship. Moreover, EU must be prudent not to judge the situation in Turkey in a one-sided manner, they must see a future in an integrated and interdependent situation, and control migration, particularly for moral reasons; and avoid racism, which would spoil multicultural integrations in Europe. In conclusion, Turkey is really a delicate ballAllah

— with many underlying factors, interest groups, and conflicting factors. For its unique and challenging crossroads-between-East-and-West position, Turkey offers a once in a generation opportunity for Europe to rethink its recent policies. And definitely, European politicians must overcome their prejudice and choose wisely their future engagements; a failure to this endeavour may Watts-up, if not end Western liberal secular cultural values altogether.

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