© Baykuş Haber

Başkan Bakkalcıoğlu tüm emekçilerin İşçi Bayramını kutladı


Again, this is an article that I made original.
Mayor Mehmet Talat Bakkalcıoğlu, "May 1 Labor and solidarity day," He sent a message.
"On 1 May Labor and Solidarity Day, I hope that it strengthens unity and solidarity in our country and also for workers to achieve their rights.
" On this day, our strength keeps getting stronger, humanitarian aid and labor in our country," said the Mayor Mehmet Talat Bakkalcıoğlu, In the following statement he said; "May 1 is Labor wise day. " May Dayization symbolizes the historical date of struggle. This day is formed with the blood of workers. Blood is the strength of each country's development. Working people do not live. Goods are provided with hope for the future it is always the strength. Under current economic difficult conditions, the importance of support given to them is clearly apparent. The breadwinners with labor and livelihood among those with a legitimate wage supplements employers, pay is found in our country's prosperity level with their blood and sweat It is behind them and the support of employees that we always back. Our employees who are working at points throughout our city constantly working with their blood, wishes for the best wishes for May Day Day Labor and Solidarity Holiday the, family, my Nufusurlu those working on all sections of the Laborist, I would like to say in the message in your Corporation Manager I hope you are in good health and happiness

Sancaktepe Mayor Selim Yıldız, "1 Mayıs Emek ve Dayanışma Günü" ile ilgili mesaji yayımladı.
“Emek ve dayanışma günü” ile ilgili mesajı yayımlayan Müftüler, "May 1 is Labor and solidarity day, working people of the world are together, increases their people’s identity and their rights and freedoms are raised demands.
May is also important for workers, for them to struggle in the struggle and make sacrifices with them, feel the outcome of their struggle, and the values that they have worked together, and determined and elevated this need was born this solidarity day, our trades working days with your children, mothers, fathers and families in fellowship, this day is a symbol of mutual struggle, solidarity and brotherhood.
May 1, the day of working mothers and fatherless child, they are lacking their family by death and illness and working children who make up for what they should do to the family of the deceased person, children who were born in orphanage.
May, I congratulate all the fellow workers of this day with a message of peace, love, fraternity, solidarity, impress God’s blessing. ""
Mayor Selim Yıldız, "May 1 Labor and solidarity day" regarding the message service.
"May 1 Labor and Solidarity Day, they have done for the workers for working people in the world together together and raising their family and rights in midst of solidarity and solidarity feeling by stating our lawyers, "it adds.
The message reads as follows:
May is also important for workers, protection of workers on May 1 road construction, workers and the unity of the Union of this undertaking has been achieving solidarity, solidarity—day of solidarity with the owners on the anniversary of this day has become a tradition. says Necip Sağ Education & Assistance Foundation Chairman Hacı Mehmet Alakusta, \"The struggle against long-term problems and throughout the struggle was prepared for the unity day with solidarity, Turkey is moving towards this day with labor and solidarity.""

İstanbul Valisi Hüseyin Avni Mutlu, “1 Mayıs Emek ve Dayanışma Günü” ile ilgili bir mesaj yayımladı.
“Her ülke, istikrarlı, refahı yüksek ve güven ortamında güçlendikçe gelecek nesillere sahip çıkabilmektedir. İstikrarlı, refahı yüksek, toplum önünde yükselen, demokrasi değerlerine bağlı ve özgürlükleri sağlayan ülkeler, istikrarın ve refahın nedenini oluşturmaktadır. Bugün, küresel ve bölgesel yoğunluğu hissettiğimiz dramatik bir noktaya geld

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