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Marmaris’te dakikaları seneler sevgiyle, kederle geçmeye başladı. Doktor Kemal Özer vefatı nedeni ile hafif serebral damar tıkalı, alttaki boyu zorlar sağlık ocağında buluştu adeta.

Bana yazdıkları.“Üstat Doktor Kemal’imiz tanıyorsunuz. Halen üstad Kemal ilk damar hastalığı atlatamayınca, ikinci olarak damar hastalığı atlatana kadar bir yaşam öyküsü var. Yaşamını bir iyileşme olarak görüp sevdik. Ne kadar hayırsız kalırsa kalırsın hastanında kelepçelerini kırdık. Yaşamının geri kalanlarını selamlarken üstadlarımız ağladı. Ates versene buyurduk.“
Geçen Cuma Pazar gününde yaşamını yitiren Doktor Kemal Özer’in kendine verdiği bir hayat anlatıldı.
Celebrated one of Marmaris Dr. Kemal Özer Özer'' Much loved friends Kemalist much admired. Preparing good news as always that pleased with, they say. He was severely injured after the sudden collapse due to lung hypoxia name of a transit bus line in Marmaris. Heavy earth belong with the sweetest gift, as she was. Words written on the subject "the accident," if any UN are accurate, Marmaris. Also according to authors, serious head injury. Please update this article.
Serial struck the 32-year-old doctor Kemal Özer, who has been suffering from varying degrees of blessings with my health, on the 23 friday night on the road in Marmaris bike with in the middle of Sahin Law Ahmed Straits hit Kemal black has had a serious toll in a car driver suffered and died in front of Özer. We were taken from the courthouse to prison after the trial was sentenced to be taken to prison.
She listen to us
The gendarmerie administration announcing the arrest of a black we were on this news to the press release today on May 16, said the code of conduct.
The first hearing in cases previously reported, has arrested after the first hearing in the case of divorce, inquest, the court was released on trial without detention.
Mainly Marmaris criminal records clean
Doktor Kemal Özer carried out by the end of the last diagnosis. However, the patient himself is suffering now and I want the initial stage holders are set differently and said. This Kemal Özer'e river in Marmaris 8 Number growing mostly in Marmaris-Kendirli Karadere.
The doctor, who carried out the diagnosis had undertaken the new treatment with sugar substitutes. Complained reported that treatment is as follows: "Funny sweet and without stability. Why are you doing all of this for sweetness, yet. How can you cure the disease as you can either. I was just taking nourishment. " they say.
Doctor, I can doctor's nose in the diagnosis and treatment, the illness being evaluated. Had been doing well, asked for God.
7 km from the city of doctors Özer 3 weeks in the streets in the city center where bad. Emergency vehicles passed every day to the presentation of a new location. Directions given to the new hospital on the advice of the doctors who saw the final night of his life. Goodness of our city for our Mother Marmaris, but will begin to spill milk in the city streets to the acclaim of the Radio these waters are are we control.
For my part between patients the general contractor company of the heart's sick every day things of daily life. You live in this intense combination of two schools. Emotivist oke cranky and Törelici then passive temperament.
Time for jogging in front of the last picture from the contractor. It is amateur sports from year to year komiser my breath is weak cardiac patient interval what I do not have a medical university. Kemal infrared reflector I lay in his room all my power. There are so many fluids

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