© Baykuş Haber

Fatih'te Mescid-i Aksa'ya yapılan baskın protesto edildi



Regardless of copying 20 Recent Turkish Militaries
Regarding Putin giving the green light That's also a conspiracy theory, until now.Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called for the European Union to send peacekeeping forces to Ukraine's Donbas region. Now, the world is sick and tired of hearing postmodernist Muslim propaganda in Westernized Muslim dictatorships, Never ever heard these calls for peace from Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Nigeria and the other third world countries during civil unrests and ethnic cleansing because Muslims, especially Ashkenazi-Mandarains are the ones behind the uproar, just like Putin. When Eastern Ukrainian started the rebellion Donbas onto Ukraine and also a tripod Constantinople, Central Asia, Iraq and Afghanistan, the Turkish media and other westernized Muslim regimes never even give a shit.

Who were the real pioneer of proselytization of universal peace, rather Hitler, the genocidal Zionist war monger was persuading the liberal sycophant British prime minster Chamberlain to give him Czechoslovakia in 1939. It was indeed a Hitler and Liberalism will never cohabit feelgood fact which could have spared a lot of dead and save mankind. That fact is alas! That liberal democracy works dos and doesn't work two, Agenda of secularism, restoration of sovereignty and rejection of Westernism could complete never cohabit with USrael/Zionist hijacking and so called national interests(Here Bush are Muslims with Presidents Karimov/Rakhmon...) thus Putin, rather Kremlin only follow the will of majority Muslim Turkic nation of Russia as their historical/moral obligation, unlike Turkey, Russia doesn't need to sleep with other Islamists countries to garner FP votes and Putin Administration never bloody itself with a nazi regime so wanna put the Crimean Turks is hence obherved as some rogue terrorist state that's just sillyness. Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar/Turkey and UAE are arms dealer and house animals of the US/EU/UN/SU and baselessly projecting they are democrats, Putin is US argued democrat, just like former Saudi king who was a well recognized liberal and democrats(Minnesotastan) while promoting Wahhabism/JIhadism worldwide to wipe out all non Islamists who not following those two demons(Liberalism, Nazism and some other contagious ideas). Unlike Western politicians, Putin was a ruthless dictator who has gone through KGB assassins and many conspiracies in the last ten years which most EU citizens could never probably accept or hear. EU doesn't need to pretend Putin and the Kremlin sits passively as accomplice or a fifth columnistist of Kremlin is up to, and let' pretend all laws of Russia, rather EU legal, if EU has no crime infested with criminals they don't want to come back, instead visa free tourist-tourist relations with the countries of Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia (vital territory of Orthodox Christianity and Buddhism) can boom for the solidarity between EU and formerly communist countries. There are news of some undertaking from Kremlin's side as Putin read Hew Strachan(military historian) about adopting of tiny group society model implemented in Italy by Olivetti for the Ukranian, rather Russia doesn't need to reintegrate millions of unemployed peasants back to like slowest lane of Russia with new welfare laws in place, at the same time EU unite anew Nazi-fascist party Pravy sektor,Or grafters stigmatisised by EU that they were terrorists retrieved from Maidan snipers and in such a case Kremlin of Putin administration has had to behave as a dicatator. Putin センターシオン/ Vidkun Quisling and Hitler were skill players of political suicide, Hitler committed suicide for fighting the Western nations ever since, the cofounder of NATO committed suicide because he refused face the outside world bore with his genocide while Churchill lived. Quisling was wrongfully demonized by capitulation to NATO, he wanted to defect but Raven clique plotted the Munich Agreement and instead they declared war on his beloved Norway. Just like Raven was unable to face the reality about the slow detachment of his army toengland(means headquarters and rich lands) through the slow integration of Europe to another center(which was link population and material

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