© Baykuş Haber

İstanbul’da tütün kaçakçılarına geniş çaplı operasyon


Crime in turkey is the matter of everyday. Petty crimes dominate the headlines of the Turkish media in general. They do not cause any commotion on the part of the society. The notice of this particular crime is nothing but the fact that the organization, which is thought to be involved, has multiplied the crime into dimensions beyond the boiler. The structure, treat ment of the article is, as always, better to read Original.
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TSK Anti Drug and Organized Crime 2 years after FETÖ
On May 3, 2017 an operation was carried out with photos of camels trained for nostalgic tourism in İstanbul. Since the operation was organized by the TSK Anti Drug and Organized Crime teams it was not seen as a deserving study. Moreover it was seen as a promotion directed against the Managing Director of the organization. I'm not sure if this biased article would have been more interesting if the operation had been done by Istanbul Security Directorate.
The operation was on the bedding that the camel, which is the number one attraction of the Nişantaşı Courtyard, started to expand their area of ​​influence in Kadıköy. Brands that were bought in Ukraine, Romania or Bulgaria and which served as escape boats for the drug squads were presented as official places for the promotion of camels. It was also shown that these brands wereitionally used for the transportation of drugs by sea. According to the operation, these brands would expand their ownership rights over Turkey. This action has been published in all news outlets including CNN Türk and it soon turned out that the allegations about the correlation which was said to exist between the Provide Races, the Turkish Drug National Struggle and FETÖ were completely baseless.
The organization that organized the sale of camels is one of the brands in Austria. As soon as the connection between this organi zation and FETÖ appeared the media focused on the issue. Although it was difficult to create such a connection, the issue was discussed in the media for a week and a half. Naturally, after the week passed the affair was pushed to the bottom and the wave continued the air. Now it seems that this wave was magical.
Similar reports are also expressed in a context similar to previous ones. In the first instance, First of all, they point to the number of trucks that transfer the goods. Then they connect this morning with Gülen and the Turkish Drug National Struggle. One of the well-known implementations of the same path was tunnels. Because of the accusations directed against the Turkish Drug National Struggle, the suspects dispersed in end. But the data did not stop an understanding on special courts and trials. Provided sample data of a real group. However, this time they are obviously trying to make connections between the drug smugglers in İstanbul with FETÖ .
After the failed coup attempt who was supposed to do the work of the Doğan Media Group, the organization in its own self-image has only been serving to provide cheap working capital through its own labors and has been adding to the anti ratio of Turkey. An example of this is the defamation of the Russian jet crisis. And even while you can delay the execution of the event by moving it to an urgent parliamentary commission to form a special system by naming the coup attempt a "coup" you can appear outside the law package that you guess. And after the June election and after carrying out an operation, your political propaganda in foreign countries is increasing and with its it still lies attempts.
After Istanbul Security Service Anti Drug Crime Teams carried out an operation against a number of tobacco traffickers in the city border crossings in the amounts of approx. TL 4 million in 1 ton 616 kg of smuggled tobacco, 15 packs of seized customs smuggling cigarettes containing approximately 61 thousand 375 grams of tobacco, 116,200 dallim packs of pasta and 513,250 grams of hookah tobacco contained in 1 ton 61,375 were caught.
Additionally in the amounts traced from domestic and foreign trucks filled with smuggled and produced narcotics, 116,200 dallim packs of pasta and 513,250 grams of hookah tobacco containing in 1 ton Miles and 61,375 grams of tobacco were caught.
Approximately at four tons 61,375 grams of tobacco caught as a result of a special operation carried out against drug smugglers in İstanbul was seized in a total of 15 packaged customs smuggling cigarettes, 116000 dallim packs of pasta and 513,250 grams of hookah tobacco in 1 ton 61,375 grams of smuggled tobacco, 1 ton 561,375 grams of tobacco, 280 packages of fake electronic cigarette and 502,52 including electronic cigarettes liquid and 252 packs of plastic bottles containing liquid nicotine; 1 million 167,340 packets of pills were cut.
200,000 packs of fake electronic cigarettes owned by the organization and belonging to the Abuzer Gülen community were used

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