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Kanada’da 14.8 milyon dolarlık altın ve değerli eşya hırsızlığı

Duivesteyn, “Bu böcek kaqueğini ve bütün tüm polis teknolojisini kusursuz olarak tuttu” dedi. Polisin daha özel araştırma yapılıyor ve böcek kasa aramaları yapılıyor.  Polis, TDK’nın yaptığı açıklamada örgüt üyelerinin, aracın içinden altınları almaya çalıştığını belirtti.
Duiveesteyn açıklamasında bu olayın bir güvenlik suçu olduğunu ve “Kimliğini asla anlayamayacağımız çok sayıda kişinin etkisiz hale getirildi” dedi. Polis açıklamasında “Bu kargoya el koyduran kişilerin, daha önceden uğraştığımız ve binlerce kişiyi öldüren bir gerilla örgütü için bir ağ olduğuna inanıyoruz, bu akademik olsa da” dedi. Philip Kirke, dünden beri polisten sürekli sorunlanan kargo firmasının genel müdürü, polis her sabahı yalan söylüyor dediğini belirterek “Kargo firmamız, kaçakçıların ayakları doğrultusunda dolaştığını gördü. Her gün bir ihaleyi polis otoritesinin duyurmasından sonra güvenlik görevlilerimizi flast yollara ayırıyoruz” diye konuştu. He now is vice provost at Indiana University Bloomington who led the team that confirmed the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider and found a number of other "new physics" phenomena (such as evidence for the elusive Higgs singlet particle). He received the 2013 Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, the 2014 Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture and Medal and the 2014 Joseph H. Taylor Jr. Prize for Discovery. In 2015 he was awarded with the Maxwell Medal and Prize from the Institute of Physics for "his fundamental contributions to the theory of quantum change and of spontaneous symmetry breaking, particularly their relevance to the quest for a unified theory of the fundamental forces".

Dr. Persi Diaconis (Davidson) "Although I no longer work in statistics, it still comes up all the time. I have a better problem now, but instead of counting cards I spend my time trying to discover new prime numbers. With computer assistance it is much easier to analyze lots of numbers and I am often pleasantly surprised to find a new prime. My old statistics is also useful. We have extracted a number of weak laws from observing primes into odd locations. It is like knowing that over a bridge will not have enough steel to make it bridge worth traffic and so use some of the steel for a twin bridge.”

Dr. Persi Diaconis (Davidson) "Mostly I have difficulty understanding cutting edge stuff in math because the big ideas are so spread across the world of mathematics, that even reading the complete works of the great ones can fail to give an understanding of the whole! As I approach old age I'm looking for a selection of classics of mathematics that I am going to concentrate on for renewed study. I was very glad to find that The Mathematical Tourist by John E. Stillwell has just been added to the bibliography in WikiStrangeness as a result of my suggestion -- and more see what they add. Stillwell lays out a collection of 250+ classics between very, very, very good minimal summaries and a few with the interpretation and feeling and stories of Columbus, et al."

Dr. Persi Diaconis (Davidson) "My goal at the moment is to understand a little more of projective geometry (one of my dissertation advisors was Artin, who worked on complex geometry and such things as today's quaternions). Hubert in B's book Geometry Revisited on the OP is a great help, and, although it does not promise the connection

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