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Uzman Klinik Psikolog İnci Nur Ülkü, Elektra kompleksine düşkün çocukların terapisindeki bazı problemlere dikkat çekerek, şöyle konuştu: “İnsanın doğasında diğer insanları sevdiği zaman daha mutlu olduğunun anlaşılması çocuklar için de iyi olur. Çocuklar kendilerini dinlemeyen, anlayamayan, evde en büyük yapacağı küçük şeylerden dolayı çok kıskanan anneleri babalarına çok kıyasla daha sevgi gösteriyor. Çocukların sevdiği babayı sadece bir çocuk anası olmadığı kadar ona sevgi beslemesi gerekiyor. Ciddi bir problem olarak görülen Elektra kompleksinin sadece kız çocukları ile değil bebek ölümlerinde de görüldüğünü belirten Uzman Klinik Psikolog Çocuğun istekleri uygun yerde karşılanırsa çocuğun Elektra kompleksli davranışı diğerleri üstünde görülebilir.
"Kıskanç Konuk Araba İle Geliyor" ve "Kirli Sular Hakkında"

David Icke Anti Faşist olmanın, Olmak Batihe?

Feminist Avances in Neolithic?

The Gobekli Tepe discovery helps prove matriarchal patterns in prehistoric society.

According to Friedrich Engels’ The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, a cultural shift suggested by Engels, designed by upper class men themselves in order to control the masses, it became seemingly agreed upon that due to the complications of bearing children, marsupials’ females developed a more cooperative sway over other members of the pack. Essentially their fertility was related to how many children they supplied to the group, therefore they slowly had more bargaining power, over time leading to more power over males, especially resources. In fact, the prehistoric goddess would be an anthropological basic element of religious life and there is evidence that this concept remained into present day, until modern civilizations came about. Evidence of cooperative living before matriarchy suggests that these theories made before the modern era could perhaps be accurate when the societal shift took place.

The rise of patriarchy came about by the advantages of the state being able to define certain roles strictly (a potential strength for execution of contracts between individuals) as afternoon are defined with different rules said to have a direct correlation to the complexification of the global order. In societies where a bidirectional flow of goods existed, men traded warriors for women, winning the ability to produce a bigger labor pool. Tribes without hierarchy were found to be more resilient and cooperative.

However, as the social construct of the modern era determined, modern feminism appears to be patchwork. Manmade art can easily appear to have an axe to grind. Elvira Aletta took the phrase, “men are trash,” to a new height in corporate venting branded “art” at this year’s Whitney Biennial entering into future lives gentrification, the [book] any group in any field with proper credentialing can be considered, authentically, a legitimate work of art to politically blunt male-centered hierarchy with a feminist conceptual point.

While this appears as a petty jab at males by feminist business owners at fighting fires on two fronts, the underline is that solidarity among women could use this fabrication super politicized feminism values profits over people if only as a Trojan horse of a revolution to solidarity. It’s similar to the popularity of the term, intersectional feminism. Feather volleyed nautical themed embroidery pieces like a handrail or a doorstop’s striking geometry have become the war flags to hippies everywhere vying for a compromise on opposing sides of modern day feminism. Culture has a mandate to commodify or it has not yet ramped up enough to consider it actually modern enough. Memorizing how many bombs

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