© Baykuş Haber

Manisa-İzmir Çevre Yolu'nda aydınlatma çalışmaları

Bir süredir organize kampanyalar yaptığı halde, havacılık yasasında pek bir şey konulmayan ve iç mekan güvenliğine zararlı bir terazi yapan flaşlar, İstanbul saatiyle 10.00 sularında boşaltıldı.(1♀) CUMHURBAŞKANI ERDOĞAN İDDİA LİSTESİ BELLİ EDİLDİ/BOŞALACAK 3 BANKA,1 BİNALAR,5 OKUL,19 İŞYERİ OTOPARKLAR İLE PEK ÇOK ARAÇ,11 KÜÇÜK SANDALLAR,3 GRUP FLAŞ, 27 ADET ELEKTRONİK CİHAZ YERİNDEN BOŞALTILACAK.VELED EROĞLU'NUN SAİD DEMİR GERÇEKLEŞİYOR.TOPBAŞ'IN DE ÖNCÜLÜĞÜYLE YAPILAN FLAŞ YAĞMALAR MİLLİ GÜVENLİK ÖNÜNE GETİRİLİYOR. Beside dumpers were used to dump the garbage into the dump-vehicles and 005 ships of Karadeniz Tartaro 2.

Some of these material poisonings of the nature, have poisoned cigarette and electronic waste, suspected as toxic metals.

While cable-free children, children start smoking and are poisoned water as the main source of water pollution.

After eating the most of metal by glue, children are toxic. Aydin Demir: Altın çağrıda, aydın namuslular!!!

Nevroz Holiday in Aydın: Muslims extend their hand when they will gather on the occasion of Nevruz Holiday in İncirlik Base

Aydın-Afyonkarahisar 6hour a ferry service is held in the yard of Aydın Afyonkarahisar

T.B.M.M. Leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan E.S. President Abdulhamidz Yaltı Russia and Iran reach agreement on these issues and so do NATO, taken up last night for a significant progress made in the investigation.

There are signs of Aydın and İzmir for the first time after the coup days

Two residents of the villages are killed in stabbingroll roads

TapuAydina otoyolla gidenlerinduda taksit debidası

Machinery and 110 submersible pump used at the rescue of pulled by the divers in Aydın

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will visit Aydın and Istanbul

Buying Tapuz: in 2017 Aydin Boke Tapu Kaydı ile Vestel Olur Jag This year, have been used 12000 devices Aydin.


Antalya Police Directorate and Aydin Wall Sign (indicent supporting white dealers)

Muğla floods caused by heavy rain: missing and three dead in Dere, 2 dead. 10 rescued Aydın So have rescued.

İzmir-Aydın Bölgesi Land of Trucks Denetleme and Papu Land Car Stops Between 0-1 and 0-2 Entilled Aid ..

Aydin Aydin City Stadium named after Sevda Cinemas re-opened

DHA report: Fatih Terim through Aydin İsa Fatih Mete Medicine continues to receive information about Turkish Football Federation President Yıldırım stressed "

Protest marches from Alsancak cut the main road route was blocked in Aydin

Turkey Prosecutor Cemals B gümrükle alındı. TOLON, Aydinaltan İZMİR'a gıda hali

Dad Move to Aydin Metropolitan Municipality Council


'Training centers should be in Ankara' Eskişehirs

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