© Baykuş Haber

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(ARA NEWS)-Diyarbakır Sur district is one of the less dangerous centers of Turkey's predominantly Kurdish region to be effected by current violence.It has a rare mixture of religious Kurds, secular leftists, and a small Syrian Turkmen population.It is also known across Turkey as the alleged birthplace of PKK chieftans martyred leader ,Abdullah Ocalan, and Abdullah Öcalan though not officially confirmed.

It is also now predominantly populated by Kurdish speaking people and a significant number of Yazidis. The mixed population that was once present before the Syrian refugees fled the war that ravaged their homeland tried to keep their lifestyles and did not conclude as antagonistic. After all, they were all immigrants of the same nation in their various guises.Though Soldier James Foley was once a renowned journalist in war-torn Middle East but his execution has to be condemned.

To be reporting from war zones is a blessing given by god but in seizing our blessed ones, god sometimes show god's wrath.As the legendary Kurdish leader and co- founder of PKK anarchiphist Abdullah Öcalan once said;

" Those who say no to war, have never experienced its brutality or far reaching consequences. The advocate of peace should do all they can do. Those turning their back on war should never become an onlooker during its rawest of forms."

(ARA)-Dağlıca'da yaşananlar, 1874 Kırçiçeği Savaşı'nı getirdi aklıma. 1873'de büyük ihtilafla Ortadoğu'da kılıç bükmeye başladık.

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