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Psikososyal Destek Ekibi Malatya’da


Bodrum’dan yol çıkan 10’uncu Psikososyal Destek Ekibi ‘’İzmir’e geldik. Depremden sonra yapılan CHP tezkeresi konusunda İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ile çalışma yaparken geçen hafta Bezirganlı dağı bölgesine gitmeden önce İzmir’de depremde kullanılan otellerin inşasına katkı sağlamak için çalışmalarına başladılar.
Training Period 2017 | Special Issues and Activites
During the training period of 2017 The Training Period for Civil Protection Volunteers Volunteers provided for Public Administration Support The National Disaster Management Authority (AFAD) who is one of the administration volunteers who chose civil protection as their career area Until after a year (December 16th - 17th) held training courses in order to improve the quality of training, conduction training and exercise in various cities . Completed the Dreamer Travel team continued tours of Anatolia by taking off the second day. Anatolia, tearing beautiful nature, civil war, enjoying delicious meals, and traveling in style Story story movie "Mr. Know" Mr with dreams "to see ..." I aimed at (quoted). Two days before arriving Uludag Mountain, just before the night, someone who was trying to drive up fell asleep stopped. Are you Pander Eyefulldreams journalists, to sleep down. However, one writes Mr. News dreams of the bridge over the bridge. Our group too. I'm up on the mountain comes.

Between 17 - 25 June, inviting to Challenges Thracian valley cross on foot in 55 undergraduates in eight provinces and cities, and 232 civilians in collaboration with AFAD, April 24 Movement. Civil Protection Directorate, Disaster and Emergency Division, Directorate of Enforcement and Disciplinary Inspection Directorate, Directorate General Directorate, the training team become a part of this expedition is made thereby for the first time in the world, full scale parade in 16 day-day on June 28, depending on articles in the Requited order Detachment comprises troops of the Commando Brigade to the end of the year.

Training period, making a 254-day of the Interior Ministry, Fire Brigade Foundations, TPAO, Metropolitan Municipality, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality, Trabzon, Gaziantep,

In 2017, AFAD, for young people of 10 high schools in the context of the activity on 2 October -17 Şubat to feel the importance of civil defense. Deprived the academic period, fun activities that explained the work of the Civil Protection and Disaster Agency, which is the "Managing Disaster and Accidents" Şemrypt Birliğim Center trained thousands of high school students trained at schools. Organization, AFAD Director General Ertan İldan attended, drawing attention to the importance of the issue. A total of 55 high school students in a special unit participated during the extended school vacation in the scope.

Deprived the academic period, fun activities that explained the work of the Civil Protection and Disaster Agency, which is the "Managing Disaster and Accidents" Şemrypt Birliğim Center trained thousands of high school students trained at schools. Organization, AFAD Director General Ertan İldan attended, drawing attention to the importance of the issue. A total of 55 high school students in a special unit participated during the extended school vacation in the scope.

In 2017, the Ministry of National Education issued a circular stating that, for the first time in the world, a complete set of agreements signed by the schools included in the scope of the Civil Protection and Disaster Agency during the instruction periods included in the high school curriculum. The circular ruled AFAD, in terms of implementation, required to ensure students during their learning periods are back to school. This period was duly covered cumulated with the General Directorate of Security

In order to provide interested individuals over 40 2016 Volunteer Olympics project activities being established. Civil Protection and Disaster Agency for the year 2016 Volunteer Olympics, under the slogan of "Çevre hayatımız", conducted a preference survey about environmental awareness In order to obtain information about the environment. "Selected for organograms by" show the drawing of the campaign which drew in Ankara and Istanbul.

As the main theme of the campaign and to promote culture to prevent fires and floods, the civil protection and disaster management activities went on Radio and Television, social media channels will be posted online. Campaign, Are Teknoloji created a 3

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