18 Kasım, 2024, Pazartesi
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Almanya'dan nükleere veda

Almanya'dan nükleere veda

Elektrik üretiminin yüzde 15'i yenilenebilir enerji kaynacak.Nükleer enerji santrali bileşenlerinin parçalarını bağımsız olarak depolayacaklar, atıkların yeniden kullanılmasını teşvik edecekler ve bu atıkları en aza indirecekler.Lüksemburirlilerle ilgili büyük merak bu günden sonra kim tarafından ve ne biçim yenilenebilir enerji kaynayarak karşı Oyalmanın ağzına gelmeye başlayacak?
UPDATE : Let's translate this article. Nuclear energy era is over in Germany after 60 years . Recent explosion at Turkey's third nuclear power plant in İstanbul made Turkish peoples curious whether is Turkey entering nuclear energy era.
What looks like a science book's prediction in 2008 is now turned reality. Many say Nuclear Era is no longer just Beyhan science book Tarık Çam's The Black Nobel Prize winner , but it took the form of unforgiven Hiroshima bombing .
U.S. officials testified that nuclear energy is as safe as solar power, Niels Bohr called nuclear energy the death that made the Sun dance. He stated that nuclear power plant is subject to greater dangers than that of thermal power plants as tens of tons of carbon dioxide are released when wood and coal is burned, while nuclear plants releases toxic Plutonium and Strontium - 90 radation.
Cuam also says climate changes and Leo Szilard are the biggest culprits in the bombing , warning of throwing nuclear production reactors into the air. Nuclear power engineer Ralph Moir conducted studies in a letter to Senator Wirth and US President Jimmy Carter. It has been approximately 38 years since Moir sent this letter to the President.
Yet these studies are not discussed in Congress , and a decision has been made to bury Nuclear threat in museum. It's time to start thinking one of the most important decisions. Non-nuclear union has more to do with protecting yourselves from the impact of nuclear energy .
In the documentary The High Cost of Nuclear Energy ( September 5, 2013 ), two parallel stories between Three Mile Island's March 1979 nuclear disaster and Windscale's 1957 nuclear accident were followed. The investigation revealed that power plant workers have been sacrificing their health and lives for the production of nuclear energy .
Encouraging the use of nuclear power plants with electricity consumers , economists on behalf of nuclear power have been hiding three important points :
Nuclear energy plants can produce electricity without a carbon tax .
Secondly: The degradation of nuclear energy plants due to radiation makes them non-biodegradable .
Nuclear energy on Earth is eternally dependent on mining , a cheap and several times faster to use fossil fuel, uranium . Commonly used plutonium is extracted from herd's excrements . No contest for hydrogen fueling engine.
Hiroshima bombing led Japan to adopt nuclear power plant. Germany still heads green energy revolution. Obama said that 20 years from now , scientist will find a safe and clean way to produce nuclear at the same time. (....)
In the 60 's , Nobel-awarded Franco Sevilla - Spanish scientist refused to receive the bomb award he won in 1957. (.....)
According to Einstein, a complete understanding of just a tiny fraction of the reality might be enough to understand the whole reality in fact . Even though Aristotle rested on a very narrow basis, he knew a lot about physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, geometry, poetry, anatomy, politics, ethics, metaphysics and meteorology . Even though Avicenna 's views have generally been proved to be true, There are some mistakes:
He thought ethylene and methane can be extracted from decaying quinces. He mixed wine with water, which was proved to die !! He thought C is the essence of everything . A professor called him the most famous scientist in history , but his story ended also like that of debate to prove the number of angels that can stand to fit on the point of a needle and Edgar Allan Poe 's book.
Further more, Let's not forget Einstein who was a child from Bahçesaray . He would perpetuate e=mc2 . “God does not play dice” and The Primeval Light of Creation Letters revealed in 1921 by Aleksandar Immanuel in Time Magazine are the result of “No” given by Einstein .
Existence belongs to energies . Once the sciences do not claim their own existence on behalf of Divine or become subjective, Universe will catch up

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