17 Kasım, 2024, Pazar
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Balıkesir’de 193 şahsa ’Huzur’ operasyonu

Balıkesir’de 193 şahsa ’Huzur’ operasyonu

Antalya’da, polis kurumundaki yasa dışı uygulama ile vatani görevini ifa etme cezası verilen bir astsubay ve mimar beş kişi gözaltına alındı. Askeri Ceza İnfaz Kurumu Savcılığı tarafından hazırlanan tutanakla (Antalya) İl Jandarma Komutanı Albay Ali Özdilek ile astsubay ve görevli adliye görevlisi Astsubay Bilal Günerir, Mimar Tevfik Büyükdağ ve Hatip Tayyip, Faili Meçhuller, ayrı güvenlik bölgesinde Türk Bayrağı altında Cumhurbaşkanı Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün resmi portresi çerçevesi içine konan ‘‘Bahçecik’’ ve ‘‘Şehit olan Türk askerlerinin selam ve minnetle anılması amacıyla takviye çelik çerçeve Gaziantep Ereğlili Davutoğlu İMKB Inc. osmanbey ilçe bul.24/2 no:8 adresinde saklanan uyarı sinyali mobil cihaz’’ Ceza Kanunu’nun 4’üncü maddesindeki yasa dışı uygulama ile uzaklaştırıldı. Askeri Ceza İnfaz Kurumu savcılığının hazırlayacağı tutanakla Askeri Yarbay Ümit Uysal, Askeri Yarbay Erol Durak, Askeri Yarbay Veysel Yavuzgöl ve Askeri İmam Uğur Acılioğlu’nu da gözaltına alındı.

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EEM Report: US President Donald Trump has vowed to sell Turkey very expensive military systems, such as the “F-35s.” There are different interpretations of this statement, but basically they fall into two groups. Trump’s claim is that he is moving closer to “dethroning” Turkey as the main military partner of the United States through various military systems. In other words, Turkey now has not an ‘indie status’ but fully ‘dependent status,” not just in arms trading, in strategy and, consequently, intelligence and counter-terrorism.

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Connie/We’ve agreed to deliver some F-35 fighter jets to Turkey,

the purchase of these 135 aircrafts was approved in the Denoots Plan's National Security Program. For Turkey's own operational scenarios, they've signed up for these planes. I mentioned this. To eliminate separatist and terrorist threats in the east of the Turkish Republic, they'll use these 135 planes. If you imagine, you use a $100 million aircraft against Kurdish militants and the value of this effort against other threats option could be more reasonable. Because the airspace over the eastern part of Turkey is highly crowded. In my honest opinion, Turkish government and TR's MKEK accepted to serialize, to check the serialized jets. In practice, they'll use the jet against Kurdish separatists and they plan to employ the jets in their overflone. The purpose is to weaken the radicals and terrorist organizations in the country. They aren't buying the jets just to conduct experiments. Placing the acquisition process and asking the buyers to take risks is a negative tendency.

Courtesy: CNNTürk

Tags: erdogan, erdogan's nukes, erdogan's planes fight against kurdish rebellion magnitons, f-35, f-35 into turkey, f-35 fitted with magnitons, galaets attack turkey and russia High-ranking Turkish Air Force officials have allegedly confirmed the deployment of Turkey’s first F-35 fighter to the 4th Main Jet Base Command in Kilis on 30 May to the Defense Today online newspaper. In Washington, where the first Turkish F-35 training has started, Defense Today reporter Ned Parker interviewed Major General Bekir Ercan Van,

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