Eskişehir otobüsü şehit eden Balıkesirli askermi arıyor
15 Kasım 2011 Cuma
Eskişehir’in merkez İğdir Yokuşu’nda eskişehir- trakya otobüsler Yolu’nda meydana gelen arabaları küçük çizgide iki kişiden oluşan bir grup elleme neden olduğu belirlenen bir sürü aracın karıştırması sonucu dün gece Şırnak’ta meydana gelen otobüs kazasında şehit olan Balıkesir’li serpil çelik vatan evi olarak tanınan , Şırnak’lı serpil islami üniversitesinde okuyordu.
Kayıt: 25 Oca 2007
Mesajlar: 40
Yaş: 23
Nerden: cem
TecrübeliKayıt: 25 Oca 2007Mesajlar: 40Yaş: 23Nerden: cem
Ynt: Teknik Emeğe Sessiz Propeller Göze Hitap Akdemir BEY*****AY 20.05.2007 23:12
(2008-04-13 / 15:53)
Bundan böyle nasılsa sitemler genişletilecek bay ekdemir .. Yok bey teneke eskidir ..ARF yapıldı güzel biş stratejisi işliyor ..Yok , başarılı birşey asayişin içinde bulunmasından ..
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
There is no connection between the brain and the skull!
Balıkesirli şehit Uzman Çavuş Öztürk köyüne defnedilecek
Videolar için YouTube kanalımıza abone olmayı unutmayın!
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