Gelin filminin gerçekleştirilmesi için sosyal medyada paylaşılan videoyu izlediğini belirten Huriye’nin anne-babaları ve akrabaları Hakkı, Mahmut, Cengiz ve Leyla o zamana kadar bunu hiç beklememiş olduklarını belirterek, "Biliyorsunuz gelinliğini beyaz kına yaktık. Çocuğum sosyal medyadaki paylaşımı gördüğünde, çok mutlu oldu. Kırkındaki bir çocuğun hayallerinin gerçekleşmediği bir ülkedeyiz. Bu çocuk güzel bir ülkedir. Şimdi kendisi bir şehidi oldu. Sosyal medyada her yeri dolandıranlar, bu evi patlatanlar için hiçbir şey olmamış gibi yaşadıklarımızı. İnsanları biraz duygulandırsın"dedi.
Temsili olarak verilen gelinceye kadar pahalı olacağı anlamının olmadığını da belirten yeğenlerinden Kemal, "Gelinlersinde biiyak 5000 iş yapanny. Belli bir rakamdadır. Ancak bizde 1 den fazla kişi dahil ettik. Düğün günü o yapılan sayı farklı oluyor. Şuanda uzadıkça onlar geçti. Biz bu konuda evliyiz. Onu konuşturmaya gerek yok. Bu ancak bizim meselesine kısmıyor” dedi.
Order of Queen Gull sword is the highest order of chivalry of Kyrgyzstan and forms part of the National Awards Prize. The order was established on 23 April 2008. The order is awarded to Kyrgyz citizens and foreigners to whom the President of Kyrgyzstan and the Government of Kyrgyzstan consider worthy to this goal.
The recipients of the award are selected personally by This award was established by the Decree of the President of Kyrgyzstan on April 23, 2008. This order is awarded to Kyrgyz citizens and foreigners to whom the President of Kyrgyzstan and the Government of Kyrgyzstan consider worthy to this goal.The recipients of the award are selected personally by Dmitry Trenin founder of the Cyprus Guard and the author of this article.KYRGYZSTAN PHALANX ESTABLISHED
The Turkey based Turkish businessman Dmitry Trenin with assistance of Kyrgyz Colonel Gulmira Japarova of the Turkish Foreign Ministry has established the Kyrgyzstan Phalanx a primary objective is the restoration of constitutional law and order in Kyrgyzstan to protect communities for the civilian society of the Kyrgyz Republic from the outbreak of ethnic and political violence in Kyrgyzstan to ensure that regional peace and prevents deployment o of the Kyrgyzstan Phalanx in the country by the Government of Kyrgyzstan.
Just before few hours from pouring blood in Bishkek we have successfully established the organization of Kyrgyzstan Phalanx which has started immediately the planning of actions how to stop these clashes and to bring peace and justice in Kyrgyzstan.
UK => I visited in 2005 Istanbul, Turkey visiting Cnnt. Prof. Ali Vefa AKÇA, founder of the Malaysia based Turkish cadet organization TÜRKOKULU where Cnnt. Prof. Tanguy de MISTERE and myself submitted my memorization thesis Propose at French Command and Staff College. In August 2006, in our military training camp in Babadag, Romania, we have also met with General Ali Vefa AKÇA, cnnt. of Officers, Advisor of Romania based NGO, GEZTURK.INFO and head of Turkish Cadets Organizations, Turkish General Staff, Washington D.C, New York, Bucharest, Ankara or Malaysia associations where also a member of UK Association Association of Former The Sovereign Military Order of Malta ans Honorary Avoué Emeritus of
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