Yazarın Söylediği Özgün Özet...
Rising Awareness Convention, 2012 in Thessaloniki (Greece), a meeting place where writers and social workers speak of war and violence, street prostitution, with various suggestion s to increase awareness for the prevention and risk due to prostitution that takes place in Europe. Moreover, the workshops present the general public about the problems that concern the victims of prostitution: sex trafficking in girls and with the refugee status by legal and illegal immigration status. For girls is necessary legal and social protection while for young prostitutes is more important condoms and prevention tips for all.
Rising Awareness is a weekend event that aims at increasing awareness regarding issues on violence, gender and sexual abuse dynamics, prostitution, immigrant women.
Bathering people of various ages and professions, but a same interest in the subject in the center:
World War, Greece & Europe, the other face", a pamphlet by the author Professor Buğra Ramesh Başar view at WW2 against the background of historical processes, the problems caused then and now and their social, political, cultural and moral dimensions of Turkey in the period of the conflicts are top information resources. It shows the position of the Turkish and German society on the continuing problems focusing on the peace and human values in international relations. As a freelance writer and editor, literature representing a variety of thematic and analytical sensitivity, in addition to participation in seminars, workshops and conferences, he resides in Istanbul, Turkey. He first worked with various newspapers and magazines, is a freelancer at the "hurriyet Daily News". Mainly analytical crossing economic, international, political, social and historical topics, he also offers them many of his articles.
Buğra Ramesh Başar, the world with conflicts, with the upcoming war in Kosovo and other problems of war, immigration, poverty, prostitution, drugs, weapons trading and trap linked. At this time, Ég í NEMETI was a resident of Istanbul media and requested key issues peace consultant. Of 9–12 December 2012, he had a speech in the Writer's Association (Turkish: Yazarlar Odası, German: Schriftstellerverband) of German cultural associations and Turkish German Union (TGB) on occasion of presentation of the Turkish documentary Yüzyılın Sesi (A 100-Year-long Voice), with e ilgili The author.
He has one child Saleh Başar with his wife which he divorced. with a lecturer from Marmara, Ayşe Tuba İnceçay Başar.
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