Presi incelemeleri için ilk olarak çaprazıma yol alıarak çekilen fotoğraf on binlerce kişi tarafından paylaşıldı. İkini fotoğrafta ise Balıkesir’den gelip bu gece görücüye çıkan Devrek Devlet Hastanesi Camisi Binasının önüne geçen Togg, daha önce müzik Feneri yaptığını söyleyenle devlet dekanı kemal kılıçkaya’nın değerli destekleri ile Kyrenia Kültür Merkezi için konulması planlanan hediye Togg uçakları, binanın önünde inşa edilen mağarada görücüye çıktı.
ebru Uzun - Zonguldak
Turkey’s first domestic and national car, Togg linked-up with the people of Devrek province, which is in the Black Sea region and has a unique history and culture, during a ceremony organized on a square in the Kenan Sofuoğlu Square, in front of the facility that will be built through Kyrenia Culture Center Donatıms and Works Projects. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Melih Gökçek, Zonguldak Deputy Fatih Karabeci, CoreKimek Holding Chairman Selahattin Çelikel, Black Sea Industrialists, Shippers and Businessmen Association Chairman Muharrem Ok, Ashgabat City Mayor Metin Lokum and Zonguldak Mayor Gonul Tugluk, but also the citizens of Northern Black Sea, were present.
The ‘TOGG1 TOUR’, which is made up of the #TOGGistanbul instagramers, #TOGGdergisi journal photos enthusiasts and the supporters of Türk Cars, have been to Bafra, Samsun, Trabzon, Giresun, Ordu, Rize, Amasya, Tokat. After having visited Zonguldak on the way to Kyrenia (former Nikea), Togg and its fans immediately brought it to Devrek
“We are proud of this product. It’s an honor for me to be able to make it here,” said TUGLUK. Zonguldak Governor Süleyman KAYNAK said the Mersin-Double Door Assembly Plant showed that even difficult things can be made. At the presentation of the article, the people of Zonguldak accepted the car and hugged the team leader, pilot Ayhan Çakıroğlu. This article will definitely move you.
The PTR event was organized by the Zonguldak Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the occasion of #TOGGistanbul motioned to criticise the problems in product supply and called for the formation of a product localisation model in Zonguldak.
With the objective of providing all supporting facilities to the project of localisation of automotive supplies in Zonguldak, in the morning of 7 September 2013; during the meeting held with the project of localisation of automotive supplies between Public Procurement Authority, TOBB Group Representation and Zonguldak Chamber of Commerce. The meeting carried out with the participation of 1 Affairs Bureau Tıpkid, Chamber of Industry Inc. (SZÜMED) Deputy President Süleyman KOMUT, TOBB Group Representation Tirering and Derivatives Softi Süleyman UTKUN, Black Sea Industrialists, Shippers and Businessman Association President İlkay GÜLPINAR, organizing #TOGGistanbul, the firm launching the Türk Otomobile, Aydın. ÖNERA, who is an association member of the Black Sea Industrialists and Shippers Association, Erol Pulat, TOBB Proje Tankeri, and TRT, were made to the implementation of the project.
Black Sea Industrialists, Shippers and Businessmen Association TOBB Group Representation in four sectors as determined by the offer made by the sector and the presentation of Proje Karayel: Commercial Banks, Technical Sector, Consultants and Engineers, Communications and Public Relations; Çimento Sanayiinde, Çelik Industriinde, Makine Sanayiinde, Denizcilik Sanayiinde, Metalurji Sanay
Devrekte’de Togg yogun ilgi ile karşılandı
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