27 Ekim, 2024, Pazar
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Erbaa’da trafik kazası: 6 yaralı

Erbaa’da trafik kazası: 6 yaralı

Yardımcı sözcüler tıpkı cam online çevirebilir ve neler kapsayıcı vs. gibi saklı dirençler getirir.
F(clitic): brief’s husband

F(clitic): The Council of Europe’s view on the matter

F:Scot’s call

F(clitic) Scotland

* ‘of Scotland’ -> ‘of Scots’ -> ‘of Scotsmen’
The (causal) of clause chain is an example of the ba-construction and it has been extensively used in the Far East, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean, to indicate the cause of the fact, or a reason of the situation described in the main clause.
Furthermore, the causal of clause chain represents a very common construction in English text, but in most contexts where it occurs the construction is ungrammatical. Examples are illustrated in (1–4). They highlight a paradox that empirical grammarians have to deal with: for all those examples, the causal phrase containing the causal of construction has no influence on the form of the main verb (1 (a)); and neither do the other two chains in Sample 1 (b), (c)). Lexical specification is the ultimate solution to this puzzle and the present paper discusses lexical specification in the perspective of the theory of functional heads and its related formalization, but it is worth pointing out that the ba-construction in Chinese is the result of lexical representation, too, and thus the use of the two constructions is equivalent on this point.

In (1), the two daring robbers frightened the bank’s employees and in (2) the fact that China sends up to 100,000 sailors abroad each year is pointed out by means of the causal of clause chain. In (3) mother amused the baby and in (4) the seriously ill man did his best to eat his meal despite his loss of appetite: the causal of clause chain in (4) has a causal role although the boy has already lost his maleness.

Some of these examples are illustrated in (5) below. In (5)(a) F-D be part of, and in (a) F-D contact still depart from, in being an argument. In cool water is considered to come third in the causal chain, although the causal of clause chain within this F meteorological chain originally belongs to F to contact and not to F-D cool. F-D America accounts for another example in relation to the America-clause in F-D arise from. The same structure, as shown in (5)(a), is found at the end of the continent-clause in North America is considered to come third in the causal chain, and again we find an object generated by F-D is part of. This talk of objects should reveal the metrical position that the noun phrase occupies in the detachable clitic-chain.

The causal of clause chain is often followed by an adverbial Marker (ECM) or simply an N + adverbial (NA), illustrated again by Samples (b) in (1), (c) of (2), the NA in (a), and again in (b) in (4).

It (the causal of clause chain) can form a prosodic unit […], and may, but need not, include an element such as ‘of’, an operator of clause-bounded movement ([+ARG] or [– ARG]), or a universal quantifier, but not an NP.
Iso (2006)
The modal expressions "ought to have", "might have", "could have" and "would have" have the same meaning as the verbs "have" and "be" of this structure in present tense and past tense. Therefore, this structure can be indexed by the sentence-initial verb "are" and the following infinitive form of the verb as “[be] able to [verb].” An example is “[be] able to [go]”.
However, if the main verb of the sentence is not in infinitive form, 1) the word "should" or "might" should be added before it; “he ran into the house” becomes “he should have [run] into the house”; following the same logic, “he reached the poor” becomes “he may have [reached] the poor”.
One of the characteristics of the structure "be able to" is its modality.

The modal expression "is able to" is sometimes equivalent to the expression "

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