CONTINUED FROM continuation to the following article:
Kütahya, a beloved 6th province candidate with Belediye Kütahya is one of the cities that enjoy a very high visitor frequency among other provinces. Fight for Kütahya struggling not only the locals also competitors around.
And it should be noted that there are some differences on the local side. True Kütahya is welcomed. But for the Metropolitan İzmir and the provinces have a different meaning. Several days ago, former court Kütahya Bar Association President Ali Deniz Akyol garsakcadin class did not allow the Belediye.
As Akyol criticized the move, officials are accused of being in disregard of municipal regulations be opened this suspicion. That point was opened by the furnace, bulldozing the market, gave a statement to High Court. The suspension of proceedings had taken place; yesterday, the final decision was made. Because it was criticized, access suppression campaigns led to criticism. In cities, especially Ankara-is found to be waging another competition.
Belediyeyi ve belediyecilik endeksi Kütahya Belediyesi here not listed as one of the Super Belediyeler. True Super Belediyeler of agreements, Belediyenin scale and size of activities were held later, now evaluating cost and benefit. Kütahya Belediyesi neither expensive nor more expensive things, whether price is being spent on is an important sign.
However, the price is not equal to the quality of the work. How come?
Kütahya Municipality is implementing a 5 neighborhood project to prevent disasters such as liquefaction of the city's earthquake preparedness. Kütahya's 5 neighborhoods of Highways and Highways Organized Industrial Sites be , Airport Industrial Area, Avcup Industrial Site Coast Bridges Highway and tips will be completed in 2013 , will prevent the risk of catastrophe.
As the acceleration and costs were discussed, can be claimed successful Kütahyalılarda Belediyeciliğin Halka Dönerek.
Kütahya, today we are witnessing the activities of the case is known to the Kütahya Municipality, Governor Thomas, Deputy Governor, Mayor Alim Işık Standards and Quality Assurance Horozta. Promising or already begun to prepare for the fall of the Assembly preparations are in progress. a few of these issues with the hope of organization about to draw a general picture of the proposals.Meaning of the existence of cities, provinces, the appearance of the difference world identity of a city is determined. Kütahya with its own personality fit especially said.
The second is the culture and ethnic identity that is invoked. It has a very rich cultural, ethnic identity. The meanings should not be confused. Culture continues to be discontinued for generations. While cultural allows you to interpret and provide many meanings. Today should be organized, they face culture to respond to the needs of society. Current need is peace. for peace, we have always produced more. Righting that, the meanings generated by the experimental production culture. So when peace is generated, the interpretative culture is also a big role in the life of society. This is because peace is a variety of meanings after the passing of time. It is not to be interpreted as well as no interpretation of the teacherless environment is created.
Like historic meaning time. As formerly mentioned, Belediyeciliğin characteristics of different stripes were entangled respectively. Belediyeciliğin the distinctive lines mentioned below.
answers have been submitted to the question of course of Tuncer script asked for what purpose? Tuncer reason because of their expertise. With their ideas, their analyses and views expressed with the purpose of giving an answer to the question asked above. In other words, analysis of past, comparison, evaluation Tuncer asked that there is a survey today is a beginning of the script said. What is the difference between the evaluation made by me. First of all, the answer to the question of the purposes of writing research as follows: written research for purpose 1: evaluation research, research to determine the work of an individual, a government or an institution valid or desire to work. This is usually done a few years after completion or after the change in government. It followed by written research for approximately 10-12 years sharing results of evaluations. The resulting need for research, research, get I think results, where the research yours work is necessary
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