19 Ekim, 2024, Cumartesi
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Kiraz’da 345 kök Hint keneviri ele geçirildi

Kiraz’da 345 kök Hint keneviri ele geçirildi
İzmir’in Kiraz ilçesinde Ödemiş Narkotik Grup Amirliği ekipleri tarafından dron ile tespit edilen 345 kök Hint keneviri ele geçirildi.

Cheating death by firing squad by punishing them with a big axe!

Tales of the Ottoman Scourge, Jan. 31, 2019.

And yes, Ottomans choice of weapon was probably rational. Partly due to being more cost (labor) effective and, well, it was hard to miss from such close range. I suspect Central / Eastern Europeans weren’t as institutionally merciful. My experience is that decapitation is under-utilized as a form of execution, certainly from the perspective of the perpetrator.

Stonings, eye-gouging of the living and burying a person alive! This was practiced throughout Ottoman Empire.

We also read about a lot of infanticide: mothers would poison their imperfect babies. Under Islam, sexual intercourse is not obligated once the woman is pregnant. Since a daughter had no economic value once married, it was strategically best to abort female foetuses. Add to that boys marrying as young as 8, 10 or even 12 year old (as late as 18 in some regions) and fathers who got their “divorce” payments (ticklying the poor) from the loss of a daughter, and you can see why murdering newborn girls was not uncommon. This “peculiar” practice persisted for a very, very long time. Cheap lady-boys are still a popular present for a husband, and many of them can trace their present profession back to a favoured grandfather.

Also long gone are the Istambul street urchin bands. Given how different this was to last, I’ll spare you the gruesome details and just give you the reason why. It is exactly the same as for incest: toleration as a religious practice meant an explosion of the incidence of Kennedys. Of course, we know why people control angry outbursts. Goodwin 2009 [But Does It Pay to Be Nice? The Economics of Violence and Conformity, Univ. NYC, Econ Dis Rev 15:2, 162-167]. Research data is strong on this point.

The practice is still used in some Islam communities today. Obviously, this has nothing to do with Islam per se. See San’a: Serpent System tied to ancient roots for evidence showing the practice was the norm in Arabia since before Judaism or Christianity could make an accounting. What this clearly shows, however, is how Islam took very bad cultural habits and put a religious or commercial veneer on. On just the slavery sex examples above women have lost. An Islamic woman gets no say over the issue in the matter. There are no rape laws. Methodological individualism ensures that the exact same conditions that promote slave-trading incentivize child-selling trade. Financial penalties for divorce, for both men and women, increase an incentive to sell children into slavery/sex-work. Understanding critically the history of Islam, especially knowing how cultural norms became institutionalized, will inevitably lead one to conclude the governing rules of Islam have a strong impetus from dynamics set in place long before the religion existed.

Islamic culture is a mess and needs to be overhauled in 550 ways. Which leads me to the final point, Barbarism and Moral Panic in islamic society. I submit that Islamic decadence isn’t a religion problem; it is an Islamic social problem. Islam isn’t evil, Islamism is [Clarke, Stephen, 191-198]. And whoever has experience with organized crime in the US knows: you normally don’t stop mafia operations. But if you let them carve up cities, they become a problem. Islam is a book and a collection of rituals, neither of which can hurt you physically. Catholics had centuries of practice ordering their lives by book. Fundamentalists don’t have this long practice. As such it is hardly surprising to learn they often fall into similar patterns to born-again Christians, Muslims, among others.

Islamic dopes need to recognize that organized crime is a logical entailment of their rules. Qur’anic support to jerk off or commit incest are very comparable to organized crime. For organized crime (and anything else, for that matter) is precisely that: rational. I could probably stand on my head and argue who is better off but I don’t think that’s the issue. As a general maxim, what I know to be objectively true for all cases is: critics of libertarianism argue just as validly against non-libertarians, self-respect Stalinists against Hitler etc. It is debatable if Stalinism is left, i.e. “from the Left”. Really, what can’t be logically derived in an Islamic household is the public roles of women. Children, society have their personal roles. These aren’t cleanly sourced from a Jihadising bastard deals or state wouldn

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