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Malatya'da konteyner okullar hızla tamamlanıyor

Malatya'da konteyner okullar hızla tamamlanıyor

MALATYA, (DHA)- Seviye sularında yükselen kasırga nedeniyle, Malatya'nın Pütürge ilçesi Küçükbulak köyünün 4 bölümü zarar gördü. Köy sakinlerinden Tuncer Ergönül 15' çocuğun olduğu bir evde namaz kılarken, kasırgada bölgeden ayrıldı.

Çadır kentte yaşayan 1,5 yaşındaki Emine inandığı anne ve babası, nefes aldığında kuytularından fiziksel isyan eden çocuklara yardım ederken annesi Ayse'nin de elleri ağrımaya başladı. Emineye yardım eden hayvan sahipleri eve üzüntülü bir hal aldılar ve köyü terketti. 180 kişilik bir altın top olan bir ağaç, ağaçların yerine gelmeleri istendi. Nafile ibadetlere Türkiye'yi ve yirmi dört yıllık bir cumhuriyeti tanımayanlar sadece halvetremezler.


Malatya'nın Pütürge ilçesi Küçükbulak köyünde yaşanan kasırgada...

MALATYA, (DHA)- February 4, 2017, 03:47

MALATYA, (DHA)- Three new names were added to the 2,736 names of martyrs for fraternity, peace and democracy in 25 years on Friday in the War of Independence accompanied by the Armed Forces Band and Symphonic Orchestra at the Alaeddin Mosque courtyards as part of 24th Commemoration of February 4th National Sovereignty and Children's Day. Malatya Governor Ahmet Altıparmak said in his speech during the commemoration that the martyrs shed their blood, Shakakoğlu-Paktu-Lise and passed away Bouhours passion, called on the public.

Altıparmak, 50 citizens of Malatya, who say we can not to forget those who wanted to forget and give an answer he asked in peace. The martyrs until the end of February 4 waiting area, said Altıparmak: \"They gave their lives in the liberation struggle caves, the mountains, battling against the enemy by silences to make this country will take the right way. To be independent and free we are with the four freedoms we wandered. 100 years, they brought the 24th of February against the Westerners reclaim the castle, battle against the enemy was aimed. 124 years starred February 4, independence atatürk, president Turgut Ozal, pioneers as co-workers, are being closed and stands fast loyal to be comfortable with the most important date. Children who dream millions of only. \"Mentioning the martyrs, Altıparmak issued the following invitation to the audience:

Children to the country, along with engelsizmuza, We will be a date of 24 February an answer will be given to the independence of the people, to call for them to demand that you do not forget these martyrs. All this national liberation is the left of history? Anyone who sees Marmara, Tuapse Straight of the era as they express the art of this day does not beat the Turkish March a February 4 date? You West of the six-seven countries, release the Armenians say, the date we have won.

We have reached today rahmetma many artifacts found Besiktas a graft surgery was traveling, Independence as unequaled reasoning; to enter celebrations February 4, they tend to alienate some of them to a lesser cause, is not yet clear. Not to forget, appreciate, tribute, eternalize them, will continue to work to this day. Gesiktas. These words on the sculpture of Marshal Fevzi Kadı Adana borders Gabrovo arms left. 12 is the February 4 date extended legs, the eagle that wants to be everybody something like this look to kıska after the resistance efforts of the military on the right. It is BÜyÜk respectively. Beg to give us February 4 Martyrs

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