18 Kasım, 2024, Pazartesi
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SARDOS üyeleri İğneada Longoz’da yürüdü

SARDOS üyeleri İğneada Longoz’da yürüdü

Özellikle Longozlar doğal yaşamın taze öz göstergesi. Yetiştirilmeyen bitkiler göz alıcı renkler arz ediyor. There are vast stands of hardwood forest of beech, oak, ash and maple. These forests exhibit valuable species of trees and bushes growing like latife. It occupied an important place at the wider geographical scale during the Pleistocene. Its ecological importance at the speleological, zoological, paleontological, home-stead site and archaeological features have been also considerable. At the moment there are hundreds plant species like Gray bush, Dwarf Elder, Small Twayblade and species such as Opuntia, such as animals such as Wild boar, deer and Leopards, i. e. animals which are not found in other forests of Turkey as well. The Longoz is synonymous with a great many specimens of the world's botany. Long-term studies have provided the world’s first accurate data on the flora of the sub- Balkans.

One point of interest is the Scops Owl. This owl has overpopulated America and came to Asia and Europe by 100 AD, and because it does not have any competitor species, has thrived particularly in caves. They lived in caves in Frangoch but depended on the area of Orinsan Longoz for finding food. In the Longoz are still 6- 8 pair of Southern Scops Owl which is not found anywhere else. The Neo- insulation multitonne rocks prevented nests and some of the holes are just big enough to get in. As a result, rocks care should be given due to holes in rocks to prevent Scops Owl colony extinction and unjustified hunting, killing of animals with the nests on the rocks.

Also in Longoz, a unique structure of burial in burial is used for underground survival as a last resort. In addition, in Longos there are no less than 17,500 specimens 3- 4- 5- 10 meters high natural tower, which comes to term at icelandic lava, to 9 varieties of sulphur caves, a very high and overgrown forest which is really different.

Vegetation cover is very dense in three tunnels and the surface bondage will raise ground protection against pollution and access will Bad in the long term as well as its uniqueness and dependent Worth. Longoz is an interesting place for scientists and researchers.

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