"Daha sağlıklı bir hayat yaşanmasına öncülük edelim. Burasında dendikleri, düşündükleri ve içten içe duyguların olduğu bir alan var. Birlikte etrafı gezmek, Kur’an okumak, dua etmek, içtikleri içeceğiz de istediğimizi yapmak istiyoruz." diye konuştu.
Investigators from various disciplines are regularly performing archeological investigations and surveys and experiencing research works on ancient civilisations and cultures in various sections of the Anatolian Plains.
Among these studies the most important ones carried out in the Eastern Thrace, a region covering parts of 2 modern states Turkey and Bulgaria.They focus mostly in the steppe areas, historically known as the native habitat of Byzantine Thracians, but also the Black Sea Plain (Playa) which corresponds to the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 in this area of the Province of Çorum, in the western Black Sea Region. This is followed by the few and careful researches conducted in Mylasa, Selçuk, Bergama, Sioz, Bozkir and Kurşuntaş during the urban development and historic restoration projects of these sites.
However, nothing of real importance and value has been published by theARI in this field and therefore no joining point to stimulate further research has been formed.
2006 was the EU-Turkey Crosscontinental year. Meanwhile, 2007-2008 were the Turkish-Italian years, which in a way stimulated the country's officials to prevent the possibility of accumulating any lost and unrecorded cultural heritage. This was reflected in the maintenance and restoration procedures practised on Milas Antik Cities Theatre's Roman Stadium (2006-2011) and the restoration of stray findings throughout 2008.Likewise, the micro research studies on top relocations of underground ancient settlements in the districts of Bucak and Hisarkayas killed the local rumor of buried hordes (Ali Karakaolu- Cihan, 2006). These are historic toponym lists dating from the 2nd century BC up to the Turkish Republic's early history. They were produced for a dense network of small neighborhoods, street and district names from newly identified ancient settlements in the districts of Bucak and Güllübağ, might be some forgotten neighborhoods of ancient Alason." The indirect side of these findings stems from the fact that archaeology plays a role in resistance to the disappearance of local cultures and poses a model for solutions to the management of cultural wealth in Turkey's territories."
Ulu Mezarlığa “Tefekkür Tepesi”
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