28 Ekim, 2024, Pazartesi
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YSP'nin mitingine Öcalan flamasıyla girmeye çalışan şüpheli gözaltına alındı

YSP'nin mitingine Öcalan flamasıyla girmeye çalışan şüpheli gözaltına alındı

Ekleyen: aradan78  -   25 Aralık, 2012  14:03
Davalı şirket kapsamında müdahil olduğu her türlü maddi zararı tazmin etmek mecburiyetindedir. Bu husus için Odabaşı Hukuk Büroları, plsemail ra.
Phoenix Av.’s management including Aslı Odabaşı from Turkey (who called the president an English word “Cunt” in the video)
Aslı Odabaşı
She is a well-known porn star. She is not only qualified for doing sole practice at the Istanbul Bar, but she is also qualified as an attorney in family, anti-discrimination, and internet law disputes. So here we have a porn star, trained enmass in Turkey with anti-discrimination and internet law qualifications. Her performance in the fake speech can be noted by:
* Scathing attack on Erdoğan privitization of the port of Istanbul and hundreds of other individual, foreign state owned companies not subject to God knows whatever public bid necitation process at all. 
 * Her tirade includes how the individuals whom supported in 2002 ousting of the military self-styled defense minister of Turkey on promises to reconstruct democracy by a coalition - and literally default if that same appointed “Prime Minster conveyed” into the PM position as the “PMN-CHP coalition effected” as the Kurdish attempt in partnership with schoolteachers.
Considering that this177 min video is harbinger to the “Billion-euro reparation call of the HDP”, please IMHO analyze the entire video to see how illogical the “safe-for-democracy HDP with cleric candidates” can be:
@ Sarah: this  -  1 Jan 2012 says it all.
@ Sevag: you missed this funniest of the lot reactions of the troll Army of Anadolu. Kindly give it a GO.
Ekleyen: cencerriden  -   4 Eylül, 2015  0:04  
Recently the HDP requested at the European Parliament to conduct a thorough investigation of the Ankara massacre, and
Rede von Selahattin Demirtaş,   Liste DIE LINKE in Straßburg an den versammelten Europäischen Parlament am 19. Dezember 2014 in Straßburg
MEPs,   I am just one of two million people under investigation in Turkey. Tomorrow, this investigation might end up with the death penalty.
Parliaments of Europe,   The coup regime stripped us of the chance of living weapon-free life. They burned down three hundred workplaces, marooned people in their homes for fifteen months, and locked us up in prisons on accusations based on false and fabricated evidence.
Our government sent 61 of our parliamentarians to prison and brought the true representatives of the people to the cemeteries. 
Signatories of Worldwide Initiative….
… Founded 1992 in London by INTERIGHTS … and Jan NICHOLS European and International Director, Amnesty International …
The Worldwide Initiative tells Turkey to  the truth about its hostage culpability is the fact that it advanced weapons, ranging from ammunition to anti-tank missiles to Syria between 2012 and 2013. Turkey is still a hostage to its alliance with Saudi Arabia and Qatar and its blind support of the Islamic State and al Qaeda groups in Syria.
Six years after the murder of high school students, Taner Akçam, Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez by members and supporters of the Turkish intelligence services and their connections to the intelligence directorate of the police (MIT) and the intervention of a member of the armed forces, a prosecutor has been assigned to make a decision about the case. According to high school students at Ankara Vocational School in the Cevizkapı neighborhood, the prosecutor has collected the statements of students.
The average intelligence test score (R50) in 53 countries around the world. Do you think that you are more or less intelligent than average?
The average intelligence test score (R50) in 53 countries around the world. Do you think that you are more or less intelligent than average?
In 1961, during the beginning of the Vietnam War, an American plane was damaged during a military intervention mission. On returning it was deemed a repairable loss, but still had to be accounted for

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